The Deepening Roots (www.deepeningroots.org) weekend workshop is a dynamic, hands-on educational program that will get you thinking in new ways about how healthy nutrition, agriculture and meditation work together for sustainable development. People of all backgrounds and experience levels have enjoyed this workshop, and walked away with enthusiasm, new knowledge and the tools to apply it.
High-Energy Foods
Learn to prepare tasty foods that will boost your energy, strengthen your immune system and give you complete nutrition. With handy food preparation tips, simple recipes and informative discussions, we will demystify how to eat well and bust the hype of fad diets.
Grow your own food... even if you don’t have a garden!
There is no better way to access fresh foods than to grow them yourself. From kitchen gardens to herb spirals, from balcony-grown tomatoes to backyard forest gardens, we will teach all the basic principles you need to start growing fresh, high energy foods. No green thumb required!
Building Healthy Communities
Imagine a community where people are happy, connected and supportive of one another. A community with clean air, abundant food and green space to explore. A community that is exciting, dynamic and peaceful. By exploring innovative breathing and meditation practices, you will learn how we can all be the building blocks for such vibrant communities.
Date and Time: October 30th - October 31st, 12PM to 5PM each day
Location: 2401 15th Street NW
To Register: Click here.